
Uploading documents

1. Go to the documents page

2. Click Upload document button

3. Select the file you want to upload.

Creating QR Codes

1. Go to the codes page

2. Click Add QR Code button

3. Fill out the form:

  • Name - Use the name that will help you identify the code on the list.
  • Description - If you want to add some more details about the code put it into description.
  • PDF Document to store in the QR code - This is the document that users see after scanning the QR code.
  • Tags (separate with comma) - Tags allow you to group QR codes visually on the codes list.

Printing codes

1. Go to the codes page

2. Click the code you want to print.

3. Click Download the image or Download the sheet.

4. Depending on your browser settings the file will download or open a new page with the preview where you can print it.

That is all

When you are ready activate the QR Code. Since this moment anyone who scans it will be redirected to the document you attached.

Frequently asked questions

Have more questions? Let's talk!